Reimagine Recreation: We need your support and input!
The USDA Forest Service is looking to us and other facilitated recreation providers to be part of a conversation about Reimagining Recreation and help chart a shared path forward.
This engagement is a continuation of the Reimagine Recreation: Knowledge-Sharing Workshop, which was held from July 18-20, 2023, and connected with over 80 partner organizations. To garner further support and input on the topics, members of the Coalition for Outdoor Access, America Outdoors, and the National Forest Recreation Association have been invited to be a part of a dedicated follow-up engagement to expand Forest Service knowledge around specific challenges and opportunities facing the recreation special use permit holder community.
The purpose of the workshop is to learn from one another’s experiences, illuminate shared interests, and create a space for recreation special use permit holders and staff to speak openly around three key topics:
- Equity and Access in Action: Improving access and equity to the outdoors.
- Cross-Boundary Collaboration: Making recreation systems easier; Removing barriers which limit or prevent facilitated access.
- From Recreation to Conservation: Leveraging the power and passion of recreationists to protect federal public lands and waters.
Meeting Information
- Day: Wednesday, October 4, 2023
- Time: 1 pm – 3 pm Eastern, 11 am – 1 pm Mountain
- Format: Virtual, over Microsoft Teams LINK
- Contact: Ben Johnson, National Recreation Special Uses Program Manager for a meeting invitation (benjamin.c.johnson@usda.gov)
Your voice is critical to ensure that we are all working together to improve access, remove barriers, use the power of our organizations to support, take care of, and protect our federal lands and waters.
No groups are better suited to provide the necessary inputs to help move the needle than the members of the Coalition for Outdoor Access, America Outdoors, and the National Forest Recreation Association.
Please join us for this effort!